Friday, January 29, 2016

Questions For Hiring Managers - Go Deep or Go Home

The questions candidates are told to ask hiring manager during interviewees cut across these generic topics:
- Culture Fit
- Technical Expertise
- Challenges Facing the Role
- Expectations for Success
- What Happened to the Last Person in the Position
- How long has the position been open
- What is Stopping Them from Making You an Offer

The truth is the hiring manager cannot answer these questions directly. Why? They are trained to deflect or defer answers by legal and HR. They do this to protecting the company from potential lawsuits and to protect the privacy of the previous employee.

Because they are prepared, candidates can better differentiate themselves (and perhaps gain more useful insights about there potential future boss) using questions designed to show a professional interest in the hiring manager's back-story instead.

This line of questioning would be considered a social normal during a conference or association lunch. Questions about how the hiring manager arrived at the company and or their current position is a natural progression with either:
- A future work-relationship (boss, peer, team-member)
- A future business related networking contact (non-hire)

Think about it - either way, smart-business people play the short-game and long-game.
- The short-game would be the interview and landing an offer
- The long-game would be networking with a potential bosses or co-workers in the future

Candidates should take advantage of this social construct to extend the relationship beyond the interview - regardless of outcome.

How? These types of professional interest questions presume a work relationship is going to happen:
- Either through a job offer
- Post-interview business-contact

This meta-message stands-apart from the traditional self-serving questions designed to verify facts to serve the candidate and place the hiring manager on the spot. This approach also avoids the awkward and useless connection building with family, sports team and other empty chit-chat.

And, it is a lost social grace to demonstrate work-related interest in a future boss or business contact.

More to come...

My Lead-Page for the book is

The book needs more reviews on Amazon if you are able: http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/

The author page on Amazon is www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer

Buy the book at a discount here
Printer Discount Code: FA6pWQ4J

The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

EVENT: Job Axis Network - Ask a Recruiter "Resumes & Interviews"

February 22, 2016 at 7:00. Job Axis Network is at 8680 Main St. Frisco, Texas 75034.

Job Axis Network is part of the Crossroads Career Network. They promote a 7-Step approach to job seekers:
1. God's Calling - Upward
2. Reach Forward - Attitude
3. Discover your best - Aptitude
4. Target Opportunities - Altitude
5. Seek to serve - Searching
6. Wow interviews - Sorting
7. Walk in Good Works - Selecting

This is my second visit with Job Axis Network! We should have a time to answer everyone's questions. I will gift a few copies of Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired!

My attempt at a "Lead-Page" for the book is

This Link is to the print and Kindle version on Amazon http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/

The author page on Amazon is www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer

Buy the book at a discount here
NEW Discount Code: BMWH7DH4 Save $7.00 per book
This discount expires: Feb 22nd 2016

The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.

My Twitter is

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

My online content is here

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

EVENT: St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry Expert Speaker Series

FEBRUARY 3, 2016 @ 9am Interview Preparation Attracts Offers.

This is a Four-Point Approach to Understanding the Interviewer's Needs.

We will discuss:
- What to Express
- Listen Carefully
- How to Answer Questions
- What You Need to Master.

I am speaking at this event and hope to give away copies of my book: Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired!

This is their press release for my talk:
Speaker: Dirk Spencer, Corporate Recruiter. Mr. Spencer is a corporate recruiter with expertise in direct sourcing, inbound social media techniques and screening of candidates. He is the author of Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed - Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! A fact-based approach to modern resumes, this book is available on

Mr. Spencer has presented Resume Psychology to several ecumenical and professional groups from Dallas to Denver, including: Pikes Peak Recruiter Network, Inter-City Personnel Associates (IPA), Executive Search Owners Association, American Society for Quality Conferences, National Investor Relations Institute, International Institute of Business Analysis, Intuit Women's Network, Texas Workforce Commission and Dallas Fort Worth Texas Recruiters Network (DFWTRN).

For more information about St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry, visit For more information, visit or email

The entire Press Release for the January and February St. Jude Career Alliance series here:

My attempt at a "Lead-Page" for the book is

This Link is to the print and Kindle version on Amazon http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/

The author page on Amazon is www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer

Buy the book at a discount here
NEW Discount Code: BMWH7DH4 Save $7.00 per book
This discount expires: Feb 22nd 2016

The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.

My Twitter is

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

My online content is here

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EVENT: Crossroad Career Transition Workshop

This FRIDAY January 22nd at Stonebriar Church in Frisco.

This is the original Crossroads Career Transition Workshop team presenting:
9:00 a.m. Welcome by Karen Hawkins
9:08 a.m. Opening Prayer / Message of Encouragement with Steve Fisher
9:30 a.m. Resume Optimization with Rex Saoit
10:25 a.m. Break & Company Recruiters Openings
10:40 a.m. Re-Kindling Your Job Search by Locke Alderson
11:20 a.m. Cover Letters / Thank You Notes with Lori Davis
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:40 p.m. Job Search Using Job Boards, Social Media and Personal Branding with Gail Houston
1:40 p.m. Personal Branding by Leslie Mason
2:20 p.m. Break
2:30 p.m. Power Interviewing with Gayle Bridgeman
3:15 p.m. Networking Skills by Jim Curry
4:00 p.m. Fundamental Salary Negotiations with Rex Saoit
4:30 p.m. Closing Prayer

I am volunteering at this event: Resume Adviser. There should be a few books given away as well.

My Lead-Page for the book is

This Link is to the print and Kindle version on Amazon http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/

The author page on Amazon is www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer

Buy the book at a discount here
NEW Discount Code: BMWH7DH4 Save $7.00 per book
This discount expires: Feb 22nd 2016

The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.

My Twitter is

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

My online content is here

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Detail Vs. Granularity & What is the Big Deal?

Writing is a science.

I did not always believe this.

But like math or chemistry, writing is a science. This means there are rules. Use the rules to guide your writing.

This means for people willing to take a few minutes to understand a few rules; developing resume content can be quick, easy and productive in a few hours.

In Resume Psychology there is a call for making your content more granular.

This begs the question how is it different from being detailed.

To explain the difference, we have to review each word separately and with great specificity.

While boring I hope it clarifies things for those stuck and wanting to break-out the resume content to the next level.

The word detail can be a noun or a verb.

As a noun “detail” is defined as: an individual feature, fact, or item.

The Google example: "we shall consider every detail of the bill."

Synonyms for detail as a noun include: particular, respect, feature, characteristic, attribute, specific, aspect, facet, part, unit, component, constituent.

As a verb “detail” is defined as: describe item by item; give the full particulars of.

The example: "the report details the environmental and health costs of the car."

Synonyms for the verb detail include: describe, explain, expound, relate, catalog, list, spell out, itemize, particularize, identify, specify; state, declare, present, set out, frame; cite, quote, instance, mention, name.

The Google explains it as: "the report details our objections."

The second verb form defines detail as: assign (someone) to undertake a particular task.

The example: "the ships were detailed to keep watch."

Synonyms provided for this definition of detail are: assign, allocate, appoint, delegate, commission, charge.

Compare all that to the definitions, examples and synonyms for the word granularity.

Granularity is a noun which means it is a “thing.”

Granularity has two definitions:

1. The quality or condition of being granular
2. Technical the scale or level of detail present in a set of data or other phenomenon

The example provided to explain granularity was: "the granularity of this war is not the sand that covers most of the country, but these details that have proved so elusive"

Bottom line: granularity encompasses details.

When working with words the better choice is the one which subsumes the other. You read all that to get to this simple idea.

Another way to think of it as word-origins have a history which gives words a hierarchy.

Thinking of words as having a hierarchy can assist us do 2 things:
1. Settle our mental debates over which way to phrase an experience
2. Help create more versions of an experience until we hit upon the best expression of that experience

With the former we are prioritizing the later.

It can help us determine if the details provided have enough granularity.

With this knowledge you can craft a message with confidence by paying attention to the science of words. Boring. Yes.

But it can add a level of clarity of how best to express your career in a resume.

Boom. Done. Next.

This is my lead-page for the book

This jumps to the book on Amazon http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/

This is the author page on Amazon www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer

Save some money buying the book here
Printer Discount Code: FA6pWQ4J

The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Will This Get Me Hired?

It is impossible to know ahead of time if what you have written for the resume will get you hired.

But you can use a process to systematically interrogate your content. This will help you to know you gave it your best.

I do not me "best" like a participation trophy.

I mean "best" as in you did the work.

And if you are like me such a process does not come natural or after a few hours it feels like a giant mess.

To overcome these feelings and rock-out relevant content with confidence be in the habit of asking the reporting questions.

Do this for each and every experience statement and data-point in your resume.

Do it for each word if necessary!

Yes, this means work.

But nothing calms the nerves like taking discreet action. Nothing helps a resume more than a structured review.

In the beginning it will feel laborious and time consuming. But with a little practice you will develop a rhythm or feel for doing this quickly.


Your brain will find the better expression once it knows you are going to be deliberate about a thing like this.

The brain will push back at first. It is hoping you will surrender.

It is hoping you will go back to auto-pilot.


You won't break it.

The benefit will be resume content with greater specificity. It will also help you to adjust your resume content for different job submissions on the fly with sureness.

The reporter questions are: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.

The more details for each of these the better. You can skip some of these where you are not sure. But it is best not to make a habit. Write the answers down. This should take less than 20 seconds, yes, 20 seconds per item being reviewed.

Once you have answers to the reporter questions you do another pass with these questions and record your answers without filtering:
1. What are the noun and verb forms for these topics or word choices?
2. Which form expresses my experience the best?
3. What are 5 synonyms I could use instead?
4. Do any of the synonyms make the content or concept clearer?
5. Will this the resulting statement get me hired?

If you do not get a resounding “yes” from your inner-self on that last question, then you have more work to do.

Decide if this work it can wait. If you need a break – go for a walk. Literally go for a walk. A two-three-minute walk even. Do some exercises. Call a friend. Write a thank-you note. The trick is to do something to re-fresh and come-back ready to do more.

Make this writing session a party – invite people over and get their help on sections you are tired of looking at.

And yes, leverage Google by asking it to define your words. Borrow a Merriam-Webster dictionary if you prefer the feel a book in your hand. Find the dictionary for your industry. Find a glossary and leverage those insights.

“Will this get me hired?” is a quality check or nudge. You have to check yourself. You have to nudge yourself.


Because you can do this.

Learn to see your-truth.

Learn that you can do this!

This is my lead-page for the book

This jumps to the book on Amazon http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/

This is the author page on Amazon www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer

Save some money buying the book here
Printer Discount Code: FA6pWQ4J

The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.

My Twitter is

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

My online content is here

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Friday, January 8, 2016

What is Your Goal?

The goal should be to land a job, right?

This means you want to create a resume far and above the norm.

During my presentation series I would ask this question: “Who wants an interview?”

The hands would go up in the air automatically.

Then I would ask: “Who wants a job offer”?

You could see the confusion in the faces of the attendees.

You could see the confusion in how their hands would flex up and down not knowing which outcome was better.

Your goal with the resume should be to attract offers instead of interviews!

This line of thinking does not sit well with everyone.

There are recruiters who have said: “Dirk that is crazy. I have never hired a candidate solely because of his resume.” And my response has been: “Maybe that’s because no one has written a resume to that level.”

Obviously this means my bias has taken over.

But there had to be a better way for people to compete through their resume.

Which begs the question: how can you combine reach-ability, readability, and relatability strategies to make your resume work for you?

How can you write a resume strong enough to garner jobs rather than interviews?

Landing a job takes a certain amount of warfare.

That makes your resume a form of propaganda. Make it count.

This is where Resume Psychology (RP) comes into play.

This is my lead-page for the book

This jumps to the book on Amazon http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/

This is the author page on Amazon www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer

Save some money buying the book here
Printer Discount Code: FA6pWQ4J

The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.

My Twitter is

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

My online content is here

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Your Resume is Your Career Anthropology

Many resume writers and outplacement firms routinely preach that a resume is a marketing document. They are wrong.

Your resume is far more important!

Your resume is an anthropological documentation of your career.

You will use it to land your next great opportunity.

Thinking of the resume as anything less leads you to short-changing yourself and short-circuiting your chances to receive more job offers.

The resume must be focused on one congruent topic or set of work experiences. Why? This is the only way to land an interview and preferably a job offer!

The resume is a game of three distinct items: reach-ability, readability, and relatability.

Reach-ability may sound obvious and simple, but on a regular basis people submit their resume without their name, without their phone number, and most regrettably, without their email address.

No one is using the US Postal Service to reach candidates in the age of the Internet.

Most recruiters are not going to spend the time to research how to contact a job candidate if the information is missing.

If the contact information is not easy to come by on a resume, the recruiter is simply going to move on to the next candidate.

Resume readability is all about structure.

A resume should have easy to read content, a consistent layout, and simple formatting. Photographs, graphics, and fancy word processing tactics are distracting.

Sometimes the best-qualified candidates have the most difficult resumes to read because they use the resume to show off their word processing chops, rather than to communicate their skills effectively.

Relatability is about how a candidate presents their experience.

Is the presentation too formal, too stiff, or too vague?

The most qualified candidates do not automatically receive interviews.

It is the candidate who finds a balance to their presentation on the resume and can bypass the traps associated with resume automation.

This is my lead-page for the book

This jumps to the book on Amazon http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/

This is the author page on Amazon www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer

Save some money buying the book here
Printer Discount Code: FA6pWQ4J

The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.

My Twitter is

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

My online content is here

Recent media mentions include: