Writing is a science.
I did not always believe this.
But like math or chemistry, writing is a science. This means there are rules. Use the rules to guide your writing.
This means for people willing to take a few minutes to understand a few rules; developing resume content can be quick, easy and productive in a few hours.
In Resume Psychology there is a call for making your content more granular.
This begs the question how is it different from being detailed.
To explain the difference, we have to review each word separately and with great specificity.
While boring I hope it clarifies things for those stuck and wanting to break-out the resume content to the next level.
The word detail can be a noun or a verb.
As a noun “detail” is defined as: an individual feature, fact, or item.
The Google example: "we shall consider every detail of the bill."
Synonyms for detail as a noun include: particular, respect, feature, characteristic, attribute, specific, aspect, facet, part, unit, component, constituent.
As a verb “detail” is defined as: describe item by item; give the full particulars of.
The example: "the report details the environmental and health costs of the car."
Synonyms for the verb detail include: describe, explain, expound, relate, catalog, list, spell out, itemize, particularize, identify, specify; state, declare, present, set out, frame; cite, quote, instance, mention, name.
The Google explains it as: "the report details our objections."
The second verb form defines detail as: assign (someone) to undertake a particular task.
The example: "the ships were detailed to keep watch."
Synonyms provided for this definition of detail are: assign, allocate, appoint, delegate, commission, charge.
Compare all that to the definitions, examples and synonyms for the word granularity.
Granularity is a noun which means it is a “thing.”
Granularity has two definitions:
1. The quality or condition of being granular
2. Technical the scale or level of detail present in a set of data or other phenomenon
The example provided to explain granularity was: "the granularity of this war is not the sand that covers most of the country, but these details that have proved so elusive"
Bottom line: granularity encompasses details.
When working with words the better choice is the one which subsumes the other. You read all that to get to this simple idea.
Another way to think of it as word-origins have a history which gives words a hierarchy.
Thinking of words as having a hierarchy can assist us do 2 things:
1. Settle our mental debates over which way to phrase an experience
2. Help create more versions of an experience until we hit upon the best expression of that experience
With the former we are prioritizing the later.
It can help us determine if the details provided have enough granularity.
With this knowledge you can craft a message with confidence by paying attention to the science of words. Boring. Yes.
But it can add a level of clarity of how best to express your career in a resume.
Boom. Done. Next.
This is my lead-page for the book www.resumepsychologythebook.com
This jumps to the book on Amazon http://www.Amazon.Com/-/dp/0692525602/
This is the author page on Amazon www.Amazon.Com/Author/DirkSpencer
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The book is called Resume Psychology Resume Hacks & Traps Revealed- Beat the Machine. Be Seen. Get Hired! by Dirk Spencer. ISBN-10: 0692525602 and ISBN-13: 978-0692525609 available in print and Kindle eBook.
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